Becoming a parent is the most overwhelming emotion you could ever feel – the amount of love that you can have for another human being is unexplainable… it’s crazy love!
I have 2 children, 2 boys now aged 11 ½ and 15. When my youngest was a baby he developed cradle cap that was like craters on the moon! It was nasty… and he scratched. Even with his nails cut short he still managed to take slithers of skin out of his head!
Numerous doctors visits, lotions and potions, I put socks on his hands and he’d just pull those off… Every morning he was a mess! I’d cry, my then 3-year-old was stressed seeing his baby brother covered in blood every morning, my dear Dad would shake just shake his head in despair.
Being creative, and being a sewer, I just told myself I need to fix this scratching nightmare! The first “Mitten Scratch Thing” was the most ugliest thing ever – makes me laugh thinking about how ‘rough as guts’ it was! Surely I wasn’t the only parent that was dealing with this issue of a scratching baby?!
So I made heaps of versions (I had a vision in my mind of what I was trying to achieve), improving with each one… tweaking and completely changing the angles, shape, size fit (if I’m honest… the whole pattern at times) and the fabric to finally create a garment, that looked do-able and solving a problem of my little baby scratching that he could not take off! He could still relieve the itch without a scratch!
I know first hand what a scabby baby brings… it’s heartbreaking! But I had created a solution that was effective and it was effective immediately! Maybe I could make more to help other desperate parents that were in the same boat as me? It was never about making heaps of money, it was about helping people.
Having Mitten Sleeves made in New Zealand was a no brainer for me. I didn’t consider for one minute having them mass-produced overseas. They HAD to be NZ Made without question!
I truly hope you never need my Mitten Sleeves for your child, but if you do – consider buying NZ Made Mitten Sleeves.
Thank you for taking the time to visit – if you have questions feel free to send me an email!
Take care
Kara Subritzky - Mitten Sleeve Designer